The Obstacles Of Traveling By Plane And Tips To Help Overcome Them- My Life Of Using A Wheelchair.

Since my accident, three years ago, I have been able to travel multiple times. This past week my family and I got to go to California, which is now the farthest trip I have done. It was so much fun getting to see family and enjoy the weather but being in a wheelchair and traveling is not the best combination. There are twice as many obstacles in your way and stress added on top of that but if there is a will there is a way. And I have a whole lot of will. To make this easier to read I’m going to do sections on each main obstacle I had to overcome and the tips to overcome it. Keep in mind I was with my parents the whole time so they helped me a lot. The obstacle of flying in an airplane- This is my first time getting to travel by plane, post-accident so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Fortunately, I have a good friend who is very experienced in using a wheelchair and traveling. I evaluated our traveling experience and gathered up some tips. What to expect at the security ch...