Master Chef Marsh

Another step towards independence is re-learning how to cook. Now with these new obstacles in the way, I needed to find a way to overcome them. My lovely cousin Heather came over to supervise my cooking. She pretty much was only going to help me if I caught on fire… but her strict discipline helped me achieve my goal.

The first meal I made was taco salad. Heather put all the groceries in their designated spots, I got them out while maneuvering around my disabilities, opened them when needed, and cooked away. The hardest thing to do was cook the meat because it took a lot more endurance than expected. After I was done cooking the meat all I had to do was add a little seasoning. Then on my plate I added salad, corn chips, and the appropriate toppings (sour cream, salsa, cheese, and Catalina dressing). I was able to get everything out of their packages and onto the plate without assistance. WITHOUT ANY HELP. It was perrrfectooo!!! And most importantly I was very proud of myself for being a boss in the kitchen.

Re-learning how to do things, like cooking, is so annoying at times. Some days I just wish my fingers could move but I have to remind myself that even though I can’t move my fingers at least I can move my arms, neck, shoulders, and a little in my core!!! And I am VERY thankful for that. Every little muscle I have helps my road to independence.

Since I’ve cooked my taco salad I’ve made chicken stir fry (I haven’t learned how to cut yet so I used veggies/chicken that were already cut and frozen), sausages, and macaroni. T’was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!!

I’m open for any ideas or recipes you may have!! Check out my picturesJ

getting the hamburger and other ingredients out^^

cooking away

that's a lot of meat!!!


  1. Great job Abby! Would that happen to be ground venison you have in that pan? Bobbie

  2. Hi there Abby. It's great to see you looking well. I don't know if this will help but place ground meat into a metal strainer that is sitting in a pan. Place both in a 350 degree oven and bake until the pink is gone. Remove from oven and break apart. The meat is cooked and drained. Good luck on your cooking adventure. Be blessed


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